Chaos Space Marines
- -100 Bellicus - Daemon Prince
- +450 Tchoi Guerez - Chaos Lord, Terminator armour, Lightning Claw, Combi-plasma
- -200 Sebastian Jaxx - Chaos Lord, bike, lightning claw
- +20 Ppbhuln'naks - Greater Daemon (Great Unclean One)
- -200 Squad Myre - 8 Chosen, 2 plasma guns, aspiring champion with powerfist
- +50 Squad Krall – 10 Chaos space marines, plasma gun, lascannon, aspiring champion with powerfist, icon of chaos glory, Rhino with extra armour
- -200 Squad Brakar – 10 Chaos space marines, plasma gun, lascannon, aspiring champion with powerfist, icon of chaos glory
- -50 Squad Hotep – 9 Thousand sons, Sorceror with warptime
- +510 Squad Kanker - 7 Plague marines, 2 plasma guns, aspiring champion with power weapon
- +200 Iideommae - 6 Lesser daemons (Daemonettes)
- -300 Arableuerakiar - 8 Lesser daemons (Furies)
- +300 Uuandearzao - 9 Lesser daemons (Plague Bearers)
- +570 Squad Scrementor – 8 Raptors, 2 flamers, aspiring champion with power weapon
- +50 Mirescab and Witherpuke - 2 Spawn
- -150 The Machine Cursed - 3 Obliterators
- -150 Torius - Predator, twin linked lascannon, heavy bolter sponsons
- -250 Squad Imber - 6 Havocs, 4 heavy bolters, icon of chaos glory
- +450 Squad Abraxar – 6 Havocs, 2 autocannon, missile launcher, icon of chaos glory
- +900 Lauthelias - Farseer runes of warding runes of witnessing, spirit stones, doom, fortune
- 5 warlocks, enhance, embolden
- -200 Icareane - Autarch, Swooping Hawk wings, power weapon, fusion gun
- -500 Lothost - 5 Firedragons, exarch with fire pike
- +650 Sheira - 7 Howling Banshees, Exarch with executioner + wavesepent with starcannon
- -650 Laconfir - 8 Dire Avengers, Exarch with diresword, shuriken pistol, bladestorm
- -200 Nazrain - 10 Guardians, starcannon
- +250 Arroth - 8 Guardians, 2 fusion guns
- +910 Saduras Clearsight - 5 Rangers
- +720 Isenrain - 8 Warpspiders, Exarch with deathspinners, powerblades, withdraw
- +750 Amost - 1 Falcon, scatterlaser, holofield
- -200 Gilgard - 2 Warwalkers, bright lances, scatterlasers
- -100 Moradon - Wraithlord
- -200 Lothcirith - 3 Dark Reapers
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